Dear Nightingale friends,
some of you might have noticed we have had some problems with our webpage, but it is hopefully working now. However I would like you to please check if everything is correct. Please check your namne, e-mail addresses and also if the link is correct to your own homepage or to the University pages etc.
I have noticed some of your pages are not updated.
The Nightingale manual (updated version) is now also uploaded. You will find it on our webpage. To be able to load it down you have to log in.
Partner News

Hi, we are Marie Florence Moufack and Cecilie Ellefsen, and we are the new “Nightingalers” at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, in Trondheim, Norway. We both work as Assistant Professors at the Department of Social Work.
Marie Florence has educational background within social work and sociology, and she has previously worked as a child counsellor. Her research areas concern development of practice studies in social work education, immigration and integration issues in Norway, and child welfare in a minority perspective.
Cecilie Ellefsen has education background within social work, sociology and literary science. Before she started working at the university, she work within community based dementia care and drug rehabilitation. Her fields of interests include pedagogy, development of teaching methods within social work, drug rehabilitation and child welfare
We are both very excited about joining the Nightingale international mentoring program!
Nattergalen – Norway

Unfortunately Hedvig from the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and family Affairs in Norway will not continue as the manager of the “Nattergalen team” and as a member of the Network. Instead she will work with research and development linked to this organisation. However she want to say goodbye to all of you and send thousands of thank´s to the Nightingales network for our cooperation over the years.
We want to thank her for her commitment and wish her good luck and the best.
Our new member will be Marianne
Warm welcome!
Näktergalen Halmstad

In Nightingale Halmstad students meet refugees youth. They have barbequed, made different things together and talked a lot.
You can read more about the Halmstad project here ( in Swedish)
On the page “Network documents & Information” there is a candidate paper uploaded from a teachers student in Halmstad with the headline Teacher-empathy and mentoring. You can download it, but it is only in Swedish!
Nightingale Ghana
I am happy to say we now have a new Nightingale project in Ghana. David, the project manager has sent us photos from their Kick-Off event.
We wish them good luck and look forward to hear more about the progress.

Soon it is Christmas time and hopefully you will have some free days to relax. But why not read all the interesting research done in our area “Mentoring”!
Or why not listen to a new NMRC ( National Mentoring Resource Center) podcast series on mentoring research Reflections on Research!
It offers interviews with leading researchers and scholars about their youth mentoring research and how practitioners can use that information to improve their work with volunteers and youth.
First episode is a interview with David DuBois and Carla Herrera about their recent long-term follow-up with youth who were mentored in the 1990s to see how they are now doing as adults. I really recommend it! Click here to listen.
There is also short film clip about mentoring on a Mentoring-website. Maybe something to use as a tool to describe the potential of mentoring or as a recruitment tool. Click here if you are interested.