The Swedish Nightingale mentoring Programme ”Näktergalen” in Malmö was born, as a pilote project using the Perach, in Israel as a model.
During the years Näktergalen, at Malmö University, has been spread to other Universities in Sweden, Europe and to Africa. Näktergalen concept has also been running with different target groups in Malmö; youth, seniors, refugees, entrepreneurs and with staff at Malmö University.
The Näktergalen started at Kristianstad University and at University of Lund (Campus Helsingborg)
The Näktergalen/Nightingale was implemented in eight European countries:
Norway, Switzerland, Germany, Slovenia, Austria and Spain through the ”Mentor Migration”, an approved EU application Comenius 2.1. The project was coordinated by the manager of Näktergalen at Malmö University.
The Näktergalen started at Borås University.
A new target group: Näktergalen Senior started in Malmö.
A cooperation between the manager of the Näktergalen, at Malmö University and The Ministry of Children and Equality made it possible to implement Nattergalen into eight Universities in Norway.
Näktergalen started at Växjö University
A new target group: Näktergalen Entrepreneur Malmö, Sweden
and NightingaleYouth Malmö, Sweden
The “NIGHTINGALE MENTORING NETWORK” was initiated to facilitate the cooperation between all Nightingales in Europe. Read more here
An approved Eu application Nightingale InterGen, started in six European cities.
Read more here
The Nightingale, Rossinyol, started in Barcelona, Spain
The Nightingale Ruiseñor started at a public University of Navarra, Spain.
The Nightingale Helsinki started in Finland .
A new target group: Näktergalen Staff and refugees), Malmö Sweden.
Näktergalen at Halmstad University started.
The Nightingale in Riga, Lattvia started.
The Nightingale in Salzburg and Graz, Austria started.
An EU application made it possible to start The Nightingale Formula in six European countries
Näktergalen ungdom (Youth), started in Malmö Sweden.
The Nightingale Tarragona, in Spain started.
The Nightingale Bilbao, in Spain started.
The Nightingale Uganda, in Africa started.
Näktergalen Ensamkommande (refugees) Malmö, in Sweden started.
Näktergalen Karlstad, in Sweden started.
The Nightingale Ghana started.
Näktergalen LSS (senior with difficulties), started in Malmö, Sweden.
The Nightingale Finland in Helsinki started.