Carina Sild-Lönroth’s latest publication, 2024, can be read here. In Swedish.
The Nightingale Mentoring Network
European forum to facilitate cooperation between members and the work with mentoring.
Carina Sild-Lönroth’s latest publication, 2024, can be read here. In Swedish.
The 14th of November Carina Sild Lönroth, the founder of Näktergalen Malmö and the International Nightingale network, received her second honorary doctorate for her diligent work with the Nightingale mentoring program throughout the years, this time at Universitat de Girona in Catalonia where Rossignol (Nightingale) has been active since 2007.
Carina received her first honorary doctorate at Karlstads universitet, Sweden, in 2021.
In her speach Carina gave credit to all the mentors and co-workers across Europe and Africa for believing in, and being part of the program, and I think I speak for all of us when I say I am proud and grateful to have had the opportunity, and I really want to congratulate Carina on her award!
Other news is that the board is currently planning the necxt network meeting which will be held in Bergen, Norway in April (3rd-4th). More information will be available soon.
All the best,
Miriam Ånskog, chairman of the board