Carina Sild-Lönroth receives honorary doctorate from Universitat de Girona the 14th of November 2024.

Karlstads University in Sweden have elected Nightingale manger Carina Sild Lönroth as a honorary doctor- doctor honoris causa, at Karlstad University. The ceremony took place the 3rd of December. For those who understand Swedish and want to read more about it,
please click here

Nightingale Linz, Austria, the Municipality Integrations award

Carina Sild Lönroth awarded with The Royal Society Pro Patria Medal

Näktergalen, Malmö, Sweden, The Malmö University Widening participation and inclusion award

Näktergalen Malmö, Sweden Malmö´s diversity and Integration prize
Nattergalen, Östfold University Collage, Norway, The University Collage Education prize
Näktergalen, Malmö awarded with the Malmö’s integration prize

Näktergalen Malmö, Sweden, pointed out by Swedish Council for Higher Education as ”one good example” in Sweden ”increasing social and ethnic diversity”.