„Evaluation des Nightingale Mentoring Projektjahres 2014/2015 mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring“.
Hanna Scherer & Samantha Ehli analysed the monthly report of the mentors of three mentoring-period to find out significant relations between different aspects of gender or studies on the quality of mentoring given to the mentees.
Click here to down load Hanna S thesis.
Click here to down load Samanth E. thesis.
„Evaluierung des Nightingale-Projekts anhand der grammatischen Fähigkeiten im deutschen Zweitspracherwerb“.
Magdalena Clarissa Himmelbauer & AndreaTrautsamwieser shows that children with lower language skills showed significant improvements in the speech production when participating in the nightingale-mentoring-project.
The grant-giving rules of the Ministry of Integration in Austria emphasises the aspects of how Nightingale – mentees benefit from the program in enhancing German language skills- which is shown here.
Click here to down load the Andrea T. thesis.
Click here to down load Magdalena H. thesis
Anna Grohova researched effects of Nightingale of the German as a second Language education.
Click here to down load the thesis.