Dear Nightingale friends,
Another semester is going to its end which means that 1000 mentors and 1000 children in our network have had the possibility to meet, learn and have fun together.
To meet people over different boarders and create good relations is even more important now than ever when populism, alternative facts, xenophobia, islamophobia, antisemitism and intolerance are spreading and people tend to build mental walls between themselves & others.
Diversity is all about all of us, and how we walk through this world together.
Each of us can make a difference but together we can make a change!
For students it is also an opportunity to meet others – different from themselves, as individuals and not as spoke person for particular religious- or ethnic groups. And I am convinced that meetings can change attitudes quicker than information ever can. We all know when bonds of friendship are sealed prejudices often fall away.
Nightingale-mentoring is also the answer to EU strategy plan 2020
How to address early intervention to avoid that people fall into poverty remain trapped in ever more difficult and problematic socio-economic situations.
Nightingale is exactly that early intervention tool, aiming to prevent problematic socio-economic situations. Cause significant for many Nightingale children is that they lives in the suburb, were it is a higher unemployment, lower income (than average) and not seldom children have fewer adults with high education around them, and some of them live in a risk zone too. So ….I say invest in these children ….
And I want to use one quotation from Paulo Freire who once said:
“The mentor task is a liberating task. It is not to impress upon or transfer own goal to the mentee. The mentor must instead make sure that mentee get ownership of his or her own history. In my opinion, it is the ethical obligation to support mentees’ perfect autonomy, freedom and opportunities to develop“.
News from our partners

first a little reminder, those who had not sent us your Annual Report, please do it so we can compile it! It is a simple document to fill in, which is much easier to fill in. Load it down here .
We wish partners could fill in that document every year when the Nightingale year has ended. Then we will compile it and you can get the result in the autumn, when you start a new year. Ok?
The Network meeting next year will be held in Malmö, Sweden the 24-25th of February 2020, where we also will celebrate the Network 10th anniversary! Come and join us!
As decided in Bodö we will not have any Conference this year, that means we will now try a new concept to meet every second instead.
The board have decided to change the date for the membership in the Nightingale Network
The Nightingale fee will be paid at latest the 1 of September and applies from 1 of September – 31 of August.
Save the date the 24-25th of February 2010

The 18th of June Linz celebrated its 13th anniversary with a gathering and party with Nightingale staff, children and parents, former mentors and children, University staff, sponsors and school staff as well others invited! ( So for example as you can see Sigi, who once worked with Karl when it started).
It was a fantastic day with lot of different speech, dancing, singing, eating and laughing- and a warm feeling inside!
There were also an interview made by Dorf tv-program, before the party started.
You can see the interview here.
The article by Carina is however written in English, if you would like to read this article, click here: Carinas article

Austria, Wienna, Graz and Salzburg
We are working in the same way continuously and successfully throughout the year since 2010, without many changes in the concept, “your concept”. Since 2014 Nightingale has he same size (appr. 150 pairs per year, in Vienna, Graz and Salzburg) … So far more than 1000 children and students benefitted from the programme. This time, in May 2019, around 120 couples are active, 40 started in April, 80 finish in June.
A good news is, for 2019 we are getting the funds like before and we can go on wokring until 2020 …
:-)Kind regards, Günther
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology
we are happy to present a Master thesis (in English) by a Master student Helena Marten who has written about how coordinator/staff and teachers at participating school in Trondheim work to implement Nightingale in their own organisation.
Please load it down here
The Nightingale/Rossinyols Girona
Our Rossinyols Jordi Feu, and Òscar Prieto-Flores and partners from Girona University are participating in the IMISCOE Annual Conference:
In the evening before the Conference they invited Carina for dinner in Malmö. 😀
Now, best friends, I hope everybody will have a good and relaxing vacation!
Best wishes to all of you!