Hope you are familiar with our new webpage now and can navigate and find interesting things there. Please feel free to give us feed-back or come up with new ideas.
The most important thing coming up now is our next Network meeting in Malmö, the 24-25 th of Februari 2020 where we also will celebrate the NigNightingale Network 10th anniversary and the Nightingale Day.
You will find the draft version of the Agenda on the webpage. If you have any ideas regarding the agande please feel free to come up with new ideas.
Here you can find the draft agenda, click on Malmö 2020
The fee for these two days will be ap. 100 € ( all included except travel and hotel!) ) depending on the quantity registered.
We would like you to register at the latest the 10 of January 2020.

As earlier decided we will continue our discussion and experience exchange and continue to dig deeper into concept of The Nightingale 10 steps.
We are now on the third step: MENTOR TRAINING
This time Oslo will share their ideas about working with narratives with student-mentors in mentor training.
We will also listen to a researcher from Malmö who have had focus-groups with former mentees and mentors which he will publish in a research article. At Malmö University we have had the idea to make an even bigger research together in The Nightingale Europe and look for funds. This time we will have the possibility to discuss this question.
We are also happy to have one student from Switzerland who will present her bachelor thesis about Nightingale. So we hope some of you can send some mentors to Malmö but also contact-persons. Would be so great to give the opportunity to have experience exchange for them too.
Other news
All NATTERGALEN (Nightingales ) in Norway celebrated its 10th anniversary. Huuurraaah, congratulation and best wishes to all of you Nattergalen!
In Oslo the celebration took part on the Universal Children´s Right Day the 20th of November, at the Oslo Metropolitan University.

Can we sing a Nightingale song together?
It should be so nice if we could present one partner per day at The Nightingale LinkedIN page. Then we will have the possibility to show how many we are, our local work but also what we do globally together for a sustainable world.
If we start from first of December with one partner presentation we can continue until Christmas the 24th showing a NIGHTINGALE WAVE. But also how we create strong children so we do not have to repair them as adults! And we all know how involvement develop compassion and solidarity – meetings where our democratic and humanistic values can visible. It is a win-win concept.
So please send me some lines about you, your Nightingale, and I will up load it on the Nightingale LinkedIn page.
As earlier mentioned, on our former webpage, there is a Podcast about Mentoring ( in English) interesting to listen to. Why not take a pause during the day and go out and put in the earphone and listen and learn.
There is different research articles uploaded on our webpage, both research connected to our Nightingale programmes all around but also two other new reseach-articles which is possible to load down from the page Research about mentoring.

Now the board want to thank you all for your hard working and passionate Nightingale work this year and we wish you Season Greeting and A Happy New Year!