Hope everyone is fine and that we all soon can take a deep breath hoping the Covid-19 will disappear when the vaccination now is here.
It seems we are all impressed of the creativity our mentors and mentees have shown during this year.
Fingers cross, for next semester and wishes all mentors and mentees now will be able to meet physically.

The bord have discussed and will now suggest one partner from each National network to be included in the board. That means one partner from Spain network, one from Norway network and Germany (included Austria and Switzerland) network will be selected ( at next Network Meeting). That means each partner countries will be represented and ideas, suggestions or wishes from the all national network will be discussed in the board.
One suggestion is also that short Minutes from each network will be distributed to the board, with ideas, suggestions or news for coming event, Network Meetings or things they just want to share in the newsletter.
After a meeting with members from Spain the board have also decided to offer all NGO Nightingales to take part in the Network for free. We will also invite David from Nightingale Ghana, next semester to join the Network for free.
Minutes from the board you will always find on this page
We have a You tube channel: Nightingale Mentor – Näktergalen
if you have any film or clip you want to add, please contact Carina.
Another reminder is to change your links from your own homepage to this page. Some of you have old links.

Next Network
will be in Lillehammer, Norway, the 24th – 25th of February, 2022.
The theme will be “Supervision” and the day will include partner presentations and experience exchange.
The second day the 25th a lecture will be presented but there and we will also have time for discussions.
News from Spain/Catalunia
We are happy to share a new research article by partners in Girona. The research is showing evidence that mentors can help and promote positive intercultural relationships for young immigrants and refugees. They can for example play an important role promoting social, cultural, and linguistic inclusion.
Titel: Results of Mentoring in the Psychosocial Well-Being of Young Immigrants and Refugees in Spain by Anna Sánchez-Aragón,Angel Belzunegui-Eraso & Òscar Prieto-Flores
Please read more on the page: “Nightingale research and evaluation”

News from Berlin:
Berlin have printed a nice new flyers/broschure.
Peter Stammerjohann´s book from 2019:
Bildungsprozesse in Padagogischen Begegnungsraumen: Irritationen ALS Bildungspotential Im Rahmen Der Organisation Von Interkulturellen Tandems is now avaliable. (but only in German)
There are also two more new article uploaded on the webpage about group mentoring.
See more at the page: “Research about mentoring”.

News from Malmö and Karlstad university, Sweden
I am happy to tell you that I have been elected as a honorary doctor- doctor honoris causa, at Karlstad University. The ceremony will take place the 3rd of December.
For those who understand Swedish and want to read more about it, please click here

Mentoring is an investment in so many ways for our future generation and a way to include them
in the society. I wish mentoring would be as important for our politicians as it is for us.
Agenda 2030 with 17 Global Goals goal is aiming to have the power to create a better world by 2030, by ending poverty, fighting inequality and addressing the urgency of climate change …but we have more work than ever to do! Guided by the goals, it is now up to all of us, governments, businesses, civil society and the general public to work together to build a better future for everyone.
I just also want to say: mentors and You have all worked hard aiming to include our next generation in the society and all of you have invested so much time and engagement but most of all you have the will to change and improve for other – You are doing so much for a better and sustainable society and I just want to say: YOU are so great!
As one national economist in Sweden once said: Don´t ask what it cost- ask instead what it cost not to do all this!
THANK YOU! Best wishes for a nice and relaxing summer and holiday!