by Nita Örmen and Hege Simensen
Click here to down load the article
The Nightingale Mentoring Network
European forum to facilitate cooperation between members and the work with mentoring.
by Nita Örmen and Hege Simensen
Click here to down load the article
A Case Study From the Nightingale Mentoring Program.
By Òscar Prieto-Flores, Jordi Feu, and Xavier Casademont
Click here to read it
A Study on Nightingale Malmö , Sweden
By Morgan Deumier
Click here to download it
The present study investigated some of the main dimensions of intercultural competencies and knowledge within the Nightingale mentoring program in Spain.
By: Prietro-Flores, Ò., Feu, J., & Casademont, X. (2016).
Click here to down load the article
„Evaluation des Nightingale Mentoring Projektjahres 2014/2015 mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring“.
Hanna Scherer & Samantha Ehli analysed the monthly report of the mentors of three mentoring-period to find out significant relations between different aspects of gender or studies on the quality of mentoring given to the mentees.
Click here to down load Hanna S thesis.
Click here to down load Samanth E. thesis.
„Evaluierung des Nightingale-Projekts anhand der grammatischen Fähigkeiten im deutschen Zweitspracherwerb“.
Magdalena Clarissa Himmelbauer & AndreaTrautsamwieser shows that children with lower language skills showed significant improvements in the speech production when participating in the nightingale-mentoring-project.
The grant-giving rules of the Ministry of Integration in Austria emphasises the aspects of how Nightingale – mentees benefit from the program in enhancing German language skills- which is shown here.
Click here to down load the Andrea T. thesis.
Click here to down load Magdalena H. thesis
Anna Grohova researched effects of Nightingale of the German as a second Language education.
Click here to down load the thesis.
By: Jordi Feu Feu Geles, Girona university,
The article presents the results of the impact study of the Nightingale Project, in Girona. More than one hundred mentoring pairs (mentor and mentee) that took part in the intervention project were administered a questionnaire (N = 58). This same questionnaire was also given to a group of adolescents with the same profile but who did not participate in the project (N = 128) and who were treated as a control group. After six months of intervention the results show that students who participate in mentoring learn the language faster, create broader and more diverse networks of friends in school, develop higher educational aspirations and expectations, are better acquainted with the reception context (municipality they live in), and improve standards of self-confidence and self-esteem, among other characteristics.
Read more by clicking here and download the article.
New research Report from University of teacher Education Zug ZB institute for Internationals Cooperation in Education- Program Evaluation by Miriam Aegerter, Bruno Leutwyler and Claudia Meierhans.
It can be downloaded as a PDF here.
By: Barbara Fresco, Lena Rubinstein Reich and Carina Sild Lönroth
Groups of university students and mentors in the Nightingale program have participated in seminars to develop professional interpersonal skills and contribute to improving empathy and perspective-taking abilities, developing self-knowledge, and enhancing communication skills.
Please download the PDF here.
by Carina Sild Lönroth 2013
This compendium is an abbreviated version of a more in depth version and a compilation of different evaluations of the Nightingale Malmö, the Nightingale Borås pilot project, Nightingale Växjö (Sweden) and Nattergalen (Nightingale) Norway. The compendium also features information from various research projects on mentoring.
Download here
By Henrik Nilsson
Click here to down load the evaluation ( In Swedish)