A new semester has started and almost ended, and we have a lot of new Nightingale tandems all around Europe. Best wishes to all of you!
It would be great if we could share some photos of different events or from just a mentor-mentee meeting even though we all have to think about GDPR.
Maybe you can send photos to ( Carina) to be uploaded on our webpage and show others how many places The Nightingale Program are running.
Here some pictures from the Kick-Off in Girona Spain, Malmö and Karlstad in Sweden.

Finally we have the possibility to meet again! We are so happy to announce
Next Nightingale Network Meeting, the 13th will be held live in
BERLIN the 23rd – 24th of February

All of us have now worked hard with the Nightingale during Covid restriction and quite often we work alone. That is why we want to meet again live and have experience exchange but we both also want to do something valuable for the Nightingale project/program.
We want to look back at the last 26 years of Nightingale (since 1997 in Malmö, Sweden ) share the present and the experiences of the last year, as well as look into the future.
The question we want to raise is, what is the value of the Nightingale by taking a closer look on what make Nightingale so unique and meaningful. We want to use the Bronfebrenner´s model and focus on different perspectives, from a micro level to a macro level by looking on the effects on:
-Mentors and mentees/parents, other keypersons
-Organizations involved, school, University etc.
– The society
We also want to focus on a particular concern regarding the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. How can we work with these values now and in the future?
What contribution does the Nightingale offer in a larger framework for the question of democracy?
In doing so, we will look back on the many years of experience and research of the project and consider together how we can accentuate the social and political significance more concretely for the future.
Wednesday the 22nd of February.
Individual arrival. For those who arrive in Berlin there will be an optional gathering at 19.30 in the evening.
Thursday the 23rd of February
The Network Meeting will start at 10 o´clock in the morning. In the afternoon/evening there will be a cultural program/activity. And in the evening a joint dinner together.
Friday the 24th of February – The Nightingale Day. We will start at 9.00 o´clock and the program will end 2 o´clock with a lunch together from 1 o´clock.
There will be a webpage with more information in the beginning of January 2023.
You will have the possibly to register from the 9th of January until the 22 January 2023.
The prize with be only 100€ were almost everything will be included: lunch, dinner, and an event.
There will be on hotel reservation for us at Hotel Steglitz International, Berlin
( 20 room) Prices per room per day: 90,00 €/single room.
New coordinator
We would like to welcome the new coordinator i Nattergalen Agder, Norway:
Janne Lund is the new coordinator at the University of Agder. She teaches at the education of child welfare pedagogics and social work and is especially concerned about the everyday life of children and adolescents.
National Network Meeting Sweden/Finland
was held in Karlstad the 23-24th of November.

from right Ann and Carina

Petra, the host in Karlstad, Miriam, Sara and Carina from Näktergalen Malmö and Ann from Näktergalen Trollhättan. Richi from Näktergalen Finland was with us from a link.
Bank grants to Näktergalen Malmö
Näktergalen Malmö have made an application to the bank Sparbankstiftelsen Finn and got a fund which now make it possible to give a scholarship to all our mentors, tax free.
New research, on the page Research about mentoring.
Research shown that effective teacher-student relationships influence students’ social function, such as behavioral problems, academic achievement, and engagement in learning activities. Please read more.
The board wishes Happy weekends to all of you!
Merry, merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
See you live in Berlin 2023!