(2021) Bernadette Sanchez, Amy J. Anderson, Torie Weiston-Serdan and Beth S. Catlett,
Journal of Adolescent Research 1-31 2021 Sage
From the abstract:
The aims of this paper are to a) show why anti-racism training and education for adult mentors is necessary for promoting the positive development of BIPOC youth and b) offer a framework for antiracist education and training for mentors. We review research showing how mentors’ attitudes about race, ethnicity and culture can harm their relationships with BIPOC youth and research on general mentor training, anti-racism training for mentors, and general diversity and antibias training in the workplace.

In this paper you can find four components for anti-racist education and training for mentors:
a)acknowledging, confronting, and interrupting racism,
b) facilitating youth critical consciousness,
c) supporting positive identity development in youth,
d) mentors and mentees as active agents and partners. At the foundation of these pillars is decentering and interrupting Whiteness and youth as constructors of knowledge
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