Dear Nightingale friends,
we are very much looking forward to the 11th Network Meeting and Conference, this time in Lillehammer, Norway, the 24th of February until the 25th.

“Reflect, re-think and re-story in supervision.”
Now we also have a blog where you can apply and get more information about the agenda, keynote speaker, events, venue and accommodation.
Remember to apply at the latest the 18th January 2022.
You will also find information at the page “Lillehammer, Norway, 2022”, which will be regular updated, if needed.
Click here to get more information on the blog
Please spread the news to colleagues, network partners, the university, schools and local networks.
“Imagine if there was a war and no one showed up…”In this street art project, refugees, students and artists have worked side by side to spread a significant message to all of us” says Beate Sæthern from Østfold University College.
The street art project is carried out in collaboration with refugees and mentors (students) in the “Nightingale Mentoring Program for Adult Refugees” at Østfold University College.
- Louay from Syria takes a picture of his wife after her contribution to the wall “A + L heart art”. He lives in Sarpsborg, and she was reunited with her husband two weeks ago.
- Zuhur came to Norway as a refugee from Eritrea, and is currently studying Work and Welfare at Østfold University College. She chose to write her message “Where I have my freedom, I have my home” both in her mother tongue and Norwegian.
- Mazkin from Syria had prepared thoroughly in advance to translate his message into Norwegian. “The children are our future” and “Hand in hand we build the country”

Yan Zhao, who is associate professor in social work at Faculty of Social Sciences, Nord University.
Yan Zhao took over as the coordinator of Nightingale in Bodø, August, 2021 from her colleagues Marit Tveraabak and Bjørnar Blaalid.
She has worked with social work education since 2012. The subjects she teaches include social work in multicultural context, cultural competence, social work theories, interdisciplinary/interprofessional collaboration, community work, and work, welfare and inclusion. Her research covers topics such as transnational adoption, ethnic relations, nation and nationhood, migration and health, migration, aging and intergenerational relationship, as well as transnational and intercultural perspective in social work. Her work is inspired by feminist and postcolonial theories.
Anti-Racism Education and Training for Adult Mentors Who Work With BIPOC
(Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Adolescents)
Read more on the page: “Research about mentoring”.