This mentoring year is going to its end and so is one semester too.
Now we are hoping for the best for next semester – a new Nightingale year without the Covid.
It is however always interesting to look both back and forward and think about of the Covid years we have gone through with surprisingly good results. But I am also thinking of all the years our Nightingale has been running. In Malmö we now celebrate our 25th anniversary!

Over the years we all have contribute to:
*inclusion and widening participation in education
*students and children’s development and learning
*a better integration in our cities

One of the Global goals in Agenda 2030 is: Leave No One Behind. Nightingale and mentoring is one good example of this – we try not to leave anybody behind but instead include them. We don´t want any children to be left behind. We want to strengthen their self-confidence and develop a better self-esteem – to develop their potentials.
Those who otherwise would not met now meet. It is a mutual exchange and learning and development for both mentors and children (and for others too)
Mentors’ engagement is also good for the society – they are doing a humanistic effort. Through mentoring the society gets individuals who are engaged not only here and now. Their engagement will increase for social questions and social justice also in the future, isn´t it amazing! ( Stukas A, Snyder M and Gil E. (1999) The effect of Madatory intention to volunteer. )
Next Nightingale Conference.
Unfortunately The Nightingale Berlin will take a pause. That means next Conference can not be held in Berlin. Any wishes or ideas?
New board members

Cecilie Ellefsen has been the coordinator for the Nattergalen in Trondheim, Norway since 2018.

Núria is technical support in Nightingale Girona since 2019. She is also psychologist interested in social issues and promoting social inclusion through mentoring. Finally, in 2018 she participated in the Applying Mentoring research.
First Conference with Rossinyols in Spain.
State Congress of Social Mentoring was held in Navarra. Here you can read more about the Conference. ( in Spanish)

Prize of good practices developed in mentoring
We are also happy to announce that Rossinyol, Girona received the seal of quality on the good practices developed in mentoring, along with 8 other projects (here Jèssica is receiving the award).
Nightingale in social media
we try to spread our news but also make links to things you send us. We like to spread news, ideas, research etc. So please continue to send us your news or interesting things worth spreading! Or remember to do so.
We have account on:
You tube
UIA – Urban Innovative Actions
We are also spread on the webpage : UIA – an Initiative of the European Union promoting pilot projects for sustainable urban development. Read more here
Since some year ago we are included on the webpage with facts, goal and aims about our Network and ”events” held during the years.
Some of you have probably started your vacation and some of you will not until August. Whenever you go: enjoy, rest and have a nice time!
Which you the best and a nice summer!