The Nightingales/Nattergalen/Näktergalen/Rossinyols! What an incredible team! Even though we missed some who couldn’t´ come (but maybe they join us next time!)
I, Carina want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Girona team for organizing and arranging this conference so fantastic in many ways and also thanks to the board as well.
Singing along with you all in the Abba song: “Thank you for the friendship” for giving it to me truly encapsulates my feeling. These 14 years in the network have been nothing short of amazing. Getting to know each of you, sharing wonderful moments, advancing our work, exchanging ideas, conducting research and engaging in fruitful discussions about our Nightingale concept have been invaluable experience.
Now I proudly wear this little Nightingale brooch from you, it serves a constant reminder of kindness. THANK YOU. It will have a special place in my heart.

Perhaps I’ll have the chance to return with some lines in December… I am still a bit overwhelmed by the surprise I received at the ceremony . Words cant´fully express my gratitude.
With this, my final newsletter, I extend a warm welcome to Miriam, Max and Malin from Malmö Näktergalen to join the board. I feel happy to entrust them with the responsibility, and I am filled with calm and optimism for the future of the Nightingale Network.
We have already finalized the new board, which will include members of the Malmö team, as well of Núria, Spain and Cecilie from Norway, who will continue their roles, and possibly Peter from Berlin. Joining them will be the newest board member Nattergalen Bergen from Norway.

Last night with friends in the Nightingale mentoring network
More photos
Núria has already sent you a lot of nice photos as well you have got the PPT from Eila and Oscar.
I have also put a nice photo on our LinkedIn page.
New research
There is put a new research, please look at the page “About” Click “Research about mentoring.” It is an article which reminds a lot of what we talk about at the workshop in Girona.
Next meeting and conference

Next meeting will hopefully be 2025 in Bergen, Norway.
Here a photo of the solemnly surrender of the Nightingale flag from Girona to Bergen!
Finally….best wishes to all of you, let the Nightingale continue to sing high and load!
You are the best suited for that.
Biggest hugs,