Dear Nightingal friends,
as you can read in this (but also in other) Nightingale newsletter partners get prizes, make research, delivers lectures etc. but most of you let people that otherwise would not met meet. Meetings were you talk WITH other instead of ABOUT each other.
Meetings were mutual learning take place and were you get access to each others life and living and thinking.
For almost 21 years I have been working with the Nightingale mentoring program in Malmö. But I have also been working with you, some of you for more than 10 years and I am very happy and proud to have you as partners.
Today schools have to face many challenges but some of these challenges they cannot solve themselves …they need cooperating partners – Nightingale can be one – supporting children in their own development.
Also our Universities have challenges to tackle in future society and these challenges need students who have got insight, understand, can reflect and analyze structures in our society.
As Freire once put it:
The fundamental task of the mentor is a libratory task. It is not to encourage the mentor’s goals and aspirations and dreams to be reproduced in the mentees (…) but to give rise to the possibility that the mentee become the owners of their own history. This is how I understand (…) the ethical posture of a mentor who truly believes in the total autonomy, freedom, and development of those he or she mentors
Partner news
Congratulations to Nightingale Linz who was awarded a prize for integration
of the town of Linz in May 2018

In the town hall. From left: Then town councilor of integration affairs,
two Nightingale colleagues, Karl, and the town councilor of cultural affairs
“We are very proud of that and see it as an appreciation for our mentor students and their brilliant job they were/are doing.
The project is steadily increasing. This year we were having about 30 tandems including students from Primary and Secondary Education.
Due to evaluations we see that all persons envolved like to join the project and find it extremely enriching in many pedagogical and educational aspects.”
Letter from Nightingale Switzerland
Our partner in Zug, Switzerland, Mireille will not be working at the Office of IZB and Nightingale Zug any longer but has written:
“Working for Nightingale has always been an extremely impactful experience for me. Our students have learnt a lot about their professional skills in regards of being a teacher in the future. It was very touching for me to see the positive effect of Nightingale on the kids but also on the parents. This year, all the parents were invited to our party at the end of Nightingale 17/18. Some of them told me how much their child has learnt during the course of this program. Especially one boy who was too shy to speak German one year ago, is now so much more confident and he started to enjoy using his newly learnt language. What else could we ask for…?
I wish you all the best in the hope that Nightingale can fly further on for many more years to come.
All my best regards to you and to Nightingale Network international.”
At the same time we want to welcome our new partner Tamina Kappeler who will take over the program.
Nightingale Vienna
will be held in Vienna the 24 – 26 September 2018
Our Nightingale partner Günther Leeb from Nightingale Vienna/Kinderfrunde, will deliver a lecture together with Daniela Gruber-Pruner
Read more here
Ruiseñor Project
Friday, the 1st of June , we celebrated the ending of the course 2017/2018 of our Urretxindorra/Ruiseñor Project.
It was a successful and emotional event where children, students, parents, teachers, members of Institutions, musicians took part with the aim of celebrating the last course and a project that, year after year, connects more and more migrant children and their families with students contributing to their mutual personal and social wellness. See more
New research

A new Interesting research about component of the quality of relationships in mentoring. “A typology of school-based mentoring relationship quality: Implications for recruiting and retaining volunteer mentors”.
Click here and read more about it, or go to the website “Research and development” were you can find more research and articles.
Now I wish you all a nice summer and relaxing vacation, Looking forward meeting you all again in Bodö!
Don’t forget to register to our 8th Nightingale Conference.
The network meeting will be held the 10th of October at 4 o’clock.