Dear Nightingale friends!

It is only one week left until we will meet and celebrate The Nightingale 10th anniversary. We are so happy to have 18 different partner cities participating in our meeting in Malmö. Almost all!
As mentioned in earlier mail we will be almost 50 participants such as students/mentors, contact persons from schools and communities and coordinators.
We are also happy to announce the invitation we have got from Malmö municipality to celebrate the Nightingale 10thanniversary at the Town Hall of Malmö.
You will find the latest version of the agenda on the webpage Malmö 2020. Please be prepared for the second day the 25th of February to share your knowledge about your Mentor Training.
We hope to have two interesting days with lots of experience and knowledge exchange but also fun!
Other news
Unfortunately we have got sad news from both Näktergalen Kristianstad, Sweden and Nattergalen Stavanger, Norway. At the moment they have a message that their mentoring program cannot or will not continue. We hope to discuss this on our network meeting. How can we help or do something together to stop this?

There is a new research article is up loaded on the webpage: “If momma ain’t happy with the mentoring relationship, ain’t nobody happy with the mentoring relationship” (under the category: ”Research about mentoring”). But as you can see, there are of course a lot of things to read also on the page: ”Nightingale research and evaluation”.
On the webpage you will also find a new page ”Films and Interviews” where a link to You Tube is possible to click on and watch different films and interviews.