Dear Nightingale friend,
hope you are all fine and you could start a new Nightingale year despite the the Covid-19.
Who could imagine we still have to fight this pandemic! Be careful and do what you can, to not be infected or spread it!
For most of us we have or will soon start our new Nightingale year, maybe with fewer tandems. So is the case in our programs in Sweden. We have however been in touched and helped each other ( zoom-meetings) and all of us are hopeful. it is good to help each other so please get help from each other: experience exchange and best practice can be very helpful.
I hope you also have filed in the ANNUAL REPORT AND EVALUATION for last Nightingale year. Could you please send it to me/us the board, we want to compile it and give you the result. I also want to remind you about your own homepage, please change/correct the link to our right Nightingale Network homepage – we no longer use the link: Nightingalementoring.org but nightingalementaring.mau.se
Partner News
our partner Marit, in Bodö, north of Norway, will retire so we would like to give her the biggest thank you for her commitment in the Nattergalen and Nightingale Network.
It has been so nice and a privilege to have her in our network. She has been a board member and has also presented the Nightingale all around, once in Spain, together with me, Carina and Oscar from Girona. She has also published: Nattergalen- møter med muliguheter. Sett, hørt og førstått? If you interested and understand Norwegian you can download it from our webpage.
But most of all we want to thank you for her passion and hard working for all children and mentors at Bodø University and we wish you the best. Big hug! We will miss you Marit!

But we will of course also like to welcome our new partner: Bjørnar Blaalid.
Hi my name is Bjørnar,
I am 34 years and I have a master degree in sociology from University in Bergen. Since 2020 I am working at the University in Nord University, as associated professor. And I also have a scholarship in sociology. I have lived in Bodø 4 years, (come from Bergen, Vestlandet) and I am now the coordinator in Nattergalen Bodø, from this autumn. At Nord University we have 45 tandems. The children come from three schools in Bodø municipality. The students are studying Bachelor in the Barnevern og sosialt arbeid, (social work). I am also very interested in sport and I am running a Taekwondo course and work as a “mentor” for my Taekwondo students.
We also want to present our new coordinator i Malmö, Sara:

Hallo everyone !
My name is Sara and since the middle of September I am Näktergalen in Malmös new coordinator. I studied social work and have been working a lot with people in different ages, with different need of help and support. It’s so much fun and meaningful working with Näktergalen together with Miriam and Carina. My first weeks have mostly been filled with interviewing the students who wants to become mentors and also interviewing all the children who wants to have a mentor! It’s been great to meet all the curious and happy students and children.
The board
we just want to inform you we have a new board member- Peter Stammerjohann, from Berlin has announced he was to take part in the board and we have welcomed him to do so.
The board have had its latest meeting the 28th of September. We decided that our next Nightingale Network Meeting will be digital as a “zoominar”. We want to use our opportunity to still be able to meet, but not physical. We have ideas regarding this Network meeting but want to discuss it with you. We want your ideas and help! Please let us know what you thing.
The meeting will be at the Nightingale Day the 24th of February. We are still thinking about the content and the audience. We would like to include mentors, contact persons from participating schools etc.
Any ideas, please let us know. Would be nice if all National Nightingale Network could discuss this and send us your thoughts and ideas.
Next board meeting will be the 23rd of November, so we would be grateful if you could send us what you have discussed and your thoughts and ideas. We will discuss your ideas and come back with a draft version.
A chapter about The Nightingale, in a new book, by Liv Roland Randi.
We would like to present chapter 10 in the book: “Values in Child Welfare Service, written by our network member Liv, (unfortunately only in Norwegian) the abstract is in English.
You will find it on our webpage under About, “The Nightingale research and evaluations”.
If you have published or written anything you would like to share. Please let us know.
Have a nice autumn. Best wishes!