Welcome back to a new Nightingale year in 2022-23,
the first year in two, without any Covid restrictions!

Nightingale Conference & Network Meeting
Time flies and the Conference we want to hold in February 2023 seem to be difficult to organize. Right now we have no partner willing to host it. So the board have discussed the possibility to instead of a Conference have a Network Meeting in February – A Reunion after Covid. A more informal meeting without Keynote speakers etc. But with possibility for all of us to meet and eat but of course also be able to have experience exchange. Carina has so far post the question to Berlin and Vienna. So we will come back were we can meet. Maybe you have any ideas?
The plan is to have the Network Meeting the 23-25 th of February 2023.
Network fee
As everyone knows the new Nightingale Year also start with the Network fee 200€ /year, from 1st of September until last August.
Malmö University have a new administrator who will take care of it. Her name is Christina Ahlberg. She will contact you.
The post Covid situation – Mentoring can help
The mental health are an important topic, real and widespread. Children have faced an increased health concerns by the Covid -19 pandemic. In USA around 1,5 million have had depression in 2021. However one very positive effect is that youth with mentors have reported fewer depression and social anxiety symptoms than their non-mentored peers regarding to one research study. Interesting fact for us!
Read more about this on our page “Research about mentoring”
Regarding to this research the board member Cecilie, Nightingale Trondheim in Norway also mentioned the increased numbers of student’s health problems in Norway and she was worried about if this affected the numbers of applicants. She is writing:
Greetings from Trondheim, Norway
Hi fellow Nightingalers! I hope you`ve all had a great summer and that the prosess of recruiting mentees and mentors is going well. Here in Trondheim, Norway, I was feeling a bit anxious regarding this years recruitment prosess, especially when it came to recruiting enough mentors. In the newspapers and media, there have in the last year or so, been a lot of focus on students and their mental health and distress. Some studies (or at least this is the medias angle) indicate that todays students are more troubled, have more suicide thoughts, are more lonely and a so on. Some researchers say that this apparant increase in various distress, might be due to Covid and the fact that the students who graduate from highschool today, have experienced long periods of their adoloscence under “Covid conditions”, with more homeschool (and hence less physical interaction), more “screentime” and more “worried surroundings”. I think there is som truth to this; of course environmental conditions matter, of course we need physical interaction to connect with others beyond a surface level. Being smitten with medias foreshadowing of declining mental resources in young adults, I was quite worried that the new students entering university this fall, would not be capable of, or seeing themselves capable of, joining the Nightingale and taking on the responsibility of a child. Now, the prosecc of recruiting mentors is over, and I`m very happy to report that I was wrong; in Trondheim, we have around the same amount of applicants this year that we usually have 🙂
Best wishes, Cecilie
We want to welcome our new partners in Helsinki, Finland.

Greeting from Helsinki Finland where the Nightingale landed during the spring and eagerly awaits to start singing. Nightingale mentoring at the University of Helsinki is a Swedish-speaking programme with the aim of being bilingual Swe-fFn within two years. The recruitment of students and kids have started of well and we are exited to begin the mentorship programme in the end of October. The reception of the programme from both internal and external partners have been exceptional, and we hope our blue Nightingale bird stays with us for many years to come, despite the cold and dark winters.