Dear Nightingale friends,
hope all of you are ok and healthy!
I also hope you have been able to start a new Nightingale Year, although, all restrictions you might have done regarding the Covid-19. Surely nothing is like it has been. However it I think you have got a lot of interesting knowledge and it would be interesting to know more about what you have done, changed, learned and experienced during this time. That’s why we have planned a Zoominar in February next year. Let us meet, learn from each other and at the same time listen and discuss interesting themes, studied by two partners in our Nightingale Network. ( read more below) But first:

Nightingale has been selected as a good example by EU.
We got a letter saying:
“The European Commission would like to congratulate you on Nightingale, which we selected as an example of good practice in this month’s editorial of the School Education Gateway. We are impressed with your project, and thought it a good fit for this month’s topic, intercultural learning“. You can find it in 23 different languages. Read more here

THE NIGTINGALE FIRST ZOOMINAR , the 24th of February 2021 “Dealing with challenges – Becoming Learning Potentials“. Mentoring from a holistic perspective.
Let us come together and celebrate our Nightingale Day with a digital Network Meeting. This is an opportunity for all of us to learn more and have experience exchange!
We all have had to fight and tackle the Covid-19 and for most of us it has meant bigger challenges and difficulties. And at the same time many children and mentors are trapped in a type of isolation. Those tandems who have started must have physical distancing and most of us have got different restriction regarding gatherings. There is for example also less to do in the city. The libraries, theatre, sport arenas etc. are closed
That´s why we want to take the opportunity to open a Zoominar of collaboration and experience exchange. This is also a possibility for all of us to set up a range of learning outcomes, provide help to each other and invite mentors or others working with us, for ex. “Contact persons” from participating school or people working in the municipality.
Since there is a lot of knowledge in our Network we also want to share two interesting themes by our network members Liv Randi Roland from Norway, Lillehammer and Peter Stammerjohann from Berlin, Germany.
We will use the page “Network Meetings” and upload all information needed.
It will also give you the possibility to spread the page link and invite mentors, caregivers, contact persons etc.
A new Nightingale has begun to sing in the city Trollhättan, Sweden. The University of Vest and the school “Kronan” began in October, with 13 tandems.
Here is some photos from their Kick-Off. A magician performed, children and mentors got bags and t-shirts and everyone was invited to eat pancake and celebrate. Mentors and mentees made their own bracelet and gave each other.
Article about the effects of Covid-19
Many relationships have been disrupted in a special time when children needed them most.
In this article from New York Pos, you can read about the effect of the pandemic – children who are worried and cut off from their peers and all indirect effects, as for example increase mental health problems of parents and caregivers. The article is also about how programs struggle to address the emotional needs of “children of quarantine.” But at the same time how the technology has open new opportunities. Read the article
New research
There is an article put on our webpage, by Gilkerson, L., & Pryce, J. (2020) about the concept of “attunement” in mentoring and a framework for relationship called – FAN.
FAN encouraged staff members to concentrate on strengthening mentor relations and also prioritizes reflective practice and theories of interpersonal communication. The next step in this development is to train the mentors on this tool.
Interesting article of how building and reflective practice can be use in mentoring. Maybe something for you to use when we discuss the Supervision.
Please read more here.

What a year! It was almost a miracle we could meet in Malmö, at ourNetwork Meeting and we also got to celebrate our 10th anniversary of our Network. Only one week later everything changed a lot, with the pandemic of Corona.
Now I want to thank you all for your cooperation and hard work in the Nightingale. Together we can be strong!

We wish everyone a very nice and relaxing holiday and a Happy New Year. Looking forward seeing you again in the 2021.
If you have to much free time… listen to Tedore Zeldin who is talking about “the art of conversation”.